
Erasmus+ project 2019-2022

Developping a Pedagogical tRaining offer to Promote knOwledge and reSearch attractivEness

Hybrid Event

June 10th 2022

In Paris & via zoom

About Us


Erasmus+ project

PuRPOSE is an Erasmus+ project funded by the European Commission and signed by the University of Montpellier, University of Siegen, Shannon Technological University, and Réseau Entreprendre. The project was launched in October 2019 and will end in July 2022.

The main objective of PuRPOSE was to promote the attractiveness of research in entrepreneurship and management studies by developing new educational approaches and tools to help overcome barriers such as lack of interest, network, knowledge, and skills that prevent students from pursuing doctoral studies.
The development of richer media sources, the MiniLab Online training module, gave them a more user-friendly access to knowledge.
The private sector was heavily involved in the project to increase the relevance of the activities, promote a hands-on approach, and allow students to expand their network.








The PuRPOSE team organizes a dissemination event to

share the results and the future of this project, by hosting a round table of academics and entrepreneurs. This event is especially aimed at students, researchers, professors, and entrepreneurs.

Registration is free but mandatory.


Resources for the Event


Registration is free but mandatory Click here to register

Where will the event be held?

Via zoom and in Maison de l’Europe de Paris

Centre d’Information Europe Direct, 29, Avenue de Villiers, 75017 Paris

Time of the event

08:45 – 14:00 (CEST)

Register Now to the Event

Erasmus+ project

Publication of the PuRPOSE preleminary report

Publication of the PuRPOSE preleminary report

The synthesis report of the preliminary study on the motivation to engage in PhD has been published. After several months of data analysis and synthesis, the report concluding the first step of the PuRPOSE project has been finalised. This report presents qualitative...

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