The synthesis report of the preliminary study on the motivation to engage in PhD has been published.

After several months of data analysis and synthesis, the report concluding the first step of the PuRPOSE project has been finalised. This report presents qualitative and quantitative data gathered by the PuRPOSE team in the three partner universities among PhD students and supervisors on the one hand, and MA students in management on the other, as well as the survey of good practices for research attractiveness in several Higher Education Institutions in Europe and Canada.

The conclusions of the report give the PuRPOSE partners a clearer, data-based orientation for the project, which will ensure relevance for the activities to design and the content of the training activities.

The methodology developed by the partners is also thoroughly described in the report, which can inspire other HEIs to use these tools in conduct similar studies and compare their results. In a long -term perspective, the project partners will also reiterate the study to understand the impact of the PuRPOSE on the level of information about research and PhD in their universities.

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